Rocket Fuel foR youR Creative PRocess.

If you’re an artist, writer, or role-playing gamer looking to unlock your creative freedom and take your ideas to the next level, you’re in the right place. Or maybe you’re stuck in the paralyzing grip of art block or writer’s block, or feeling trapped, circling the same tired ground in your creative process. Maybe you’re just hungry for more – more inspiration, more breakthroughs, more ways to level up your creative edge. Either way, ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Reckless Deck was created as a fun and powerful solution for creators just like you.
The StRuggle is Real.
Several years ago, Reckless Deck started as a way to solve my own creative challenges. As a practicing professional illustrator (and lifelong Sci-Fi & Fantasy nerd), I was determined to make the most of the small windows of time between client gigs for creating my own work. But even as a full-time pro, I faced an age-old problem: those maddening stretches where the ideas just weren’t there. I’d sit, staring at the blank page, waiting for something—anything—“good enough” to materialize so I could finally dive in and start creating. And all the while, precious minutes ticked by, wasted.
Sound familiar? If you’ve ever been caught in the frozen clutches of creative block, you know exactly what I mean. It’s like wading through quicksand while everyone else is swimming. Other creatives are riding the wave of inspiration, turning out dazzling paintings, compelling stories, or thrilling new RPG adventures. Meanwhile, you’re stuck, spinning your wheels, watching as the quicksand closes in.
I felt that frustration deeply—and I wanted a better way. I wanted direct access to that river of creative flow without the time-wasting, anxiety-ridden struggle that always seemed to be the price of admission. I wanted to bypass the block, maximize my idea generation, and rediscover the creative freedom that keeps us coming back to the work we love. That’s when I began developing the practice that would ultimately become Reckless Deck—your tool for breaking through creative block, sparking inspiration, and leveling up your creativity.
A FResh Solution foR YouR CReative insPiRation
Thanks to my experience as a sci-fi and fantasy illustrator, Reckless Deck is designed to unlock your creative potential by tapping into the wide range of iconic design elements and story tropes across various genres. It’s your invitation to treat the entire genre spectrum—science fiction, fantasy, steampunk, horror, mythology, modern military, and history—as your personal prop and costume closet. Every weapon, object, costume item, and character trait is yours to explore. Reckless Deck leaves no corner unexplored and nothing is off-limits. Its genre-smashing capabilities are built into its DNA, giving you the power to mix and match elements from wildly different genres to create completely original characters and stories. With this much creative freedom and inspiration at your fingertips, there’s no room for creative block. Reckless Deck isn’t just a tool—it’s your creative edge, your breakthrough moment, and your ticket to fearless creation.
For character creation prompts that spark fresh, out-of-the-box ideas using iconic visual cues from across all genres—infused with Reckless Deck’s signature genre-smashing magic—check out Original Reckless Deck.
For narrative-driven storytelling prompts that reveal your character’s inner world, and provide huge clues for structuring your story—including your character’s antagonist, potential allies, past struggles, and present dilemmas—try Reckless Deck PSYCHE.
contact info
If you:
• Need further product information
• Have questions about your order
• Need to make a return
• Are a retailer interested in carrying Reckless Deck in your store
• Are interested in an in-person workshop or lecture at your store or school
You can email us at:
Or chat with us in the chat window (at the lower right hand of the screen)!